In this sweet love letter to Rocky fans, Balboa is still very much the charmer he was in the original film. While trying to cope with the loss of his beloved Adrian, Rocky passes his time running a restaurant in his old Philadelphia stomping ground. The aging champ discovers he still has a little something "left in the basement" when he views a virtual boxing challenge on ESPN. In the animated match, it's old school vs. new school as Balboa is thrown into the ring and pitted against the current heavy weight champ, Mason "The Line" Dixon, a young, hungry, fiercely competitive fighter whose lost a lot of respect among sports fans. Compelled to let his inner anger out, Balboa decides he wants to train and engage in some smaller Philly boxing matches, but he's once again dragged into the limelight when Dixon's camp approach him and try to entice him into taking part in an exhibition fight. Faster than you can say "training montage," Rocky agrees. After all, he's got nothing to lose even though his somewhat estranged son Robert wholeheartedly disagrees.